What is Advanced Placement and why is it important?

AP ® tests are college-level exams on specific subjects and are administered in May upon the completion of an AP course taken at a student's high school. At many colleges and universities, a high enough score will earn the student college credit.

What specifically do the APs test?

A lot. Similar to the SAT Subject Tests, there are AP tests that cover a range of subjects from Biology to European History to Music Theory. There are currently over 38 AP test options, though few high schools offer classes in every subject. Want to know the full list? We're glad you asked. See the full list of AP subjects.

How are the APs scored?

AP tests are scored on a scale of 1–5. While every college is different, most schools won't accept AP scores for credit unless you score at least a 4. Learn more about AP credit.

When are AP tests?

APs are administered every year during a two-week period in May. View the 2020 AP exam schedule.

When do AP scores come out?

AP scores are released each year in early July.

Do AP scores matter?

AP scores won’t affect your high school GPA or your chances of college admission. (The fact that you took AP courses when they were available is a different story!) But good AP scores can earn you college credit. Just remember that every school is different. Some won't accept credit unless you score a 5. Some won't accept them at all. Be sure to check with your top schools to understand how they handle AP scores.